Landmarks Preservation Commission Actions
910 Fifth Avenue – Upper East Side Historic District
An apartment building originally designed by Fred F. French, built in 1919, and altered by Sylvan Bien in 1958-59. Application is to amend Certificate of Appropriateness 97-2301 and Miscellaneous/Amendment 98-3385 for the creation of a Master Plan governing future installation of windows.
This application was approved.
127 East 71st Street – Upper East Side Historic District
A house originally built circa 1865 and modified in the Modern style by Joseph D. Weiss in 1955. Application is to construct a rear yard addition.
This application was approved.
48 East 73rd Street – Upper East Side Historic District
A row house originally built in 1885-86, altered in the neo-Federal style by S. Edson Gage in 1916, and again in 1979. Application is to alter the primary façade, demolish a rear addition, construct a new rear façade, construct rooftop additions, and excavate the cellar and rear yard.
No action was taken on this application.
125-127 East 93rd Street – Expanded Carnegie Hill Historic District
A neo-Medieval style apartment building designed by George F. Pelham and built in 1924. Application is to establish a master plan governing the future replacement of windows.
No action was taken on this application.
785 Park Avenue – Upper East Side Historic District
A Modern style apartment building designed by George F. Pelham Jr. and built in 1939-1940. Application is to reclad and alter the base of the building.
This application was approved with modifications.
740 Madison Avenue – Upper East Side Historic District
A row house built in 1879 and altered in the neo-French Renaissance style by Mantle Fielding in 1901 and in 1919; a row house designed by John G. Prague and built in 1879-80 and altered at the upper two floors in the neo-federal style by Pickering and Walker in 1907-08, and again in 1926 by J.R. Bonner and A. Weiser; and an Italianate style row house designed by John G. Prague and built in 1879-80 and altered in 1919 and 1926. Application is to alter the facades, install new storefronts, to excavate the basement and to construct an addition.
This application was approved.
Landmark and Land Use Issues for the Upper East Side
The following items will be heard at the Landmarks Preservation Commission on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 in the Municipal Building, 1 Centre Street, 9th floor conference room (subway stop: Brooklyn Bridge, #6) at 9:30 AM:
696 Madison Avenue – Upper East Side Historic District
16-1157 – Block 1377, Lot 8, Zoned C5-1
A neo-Grec style residence designed by J.H. Valentine and built in 1878-79. Application is to legalize the installation of storefront infill and cladding without Landmarks Preservation Commission permit(s), replace a awning and to install heat lamps.
45 East 66th Street – Upper East Side Historic District
14-9158 – Block 1381, Lot 7502, Zoned C5-1
A neo-French Renaissance style apartment building with Gothic style elements designed by Harde and Short and built in 1908. Application is to construct a rooftop addition.
111-113 East 73rd Street – Upper East Side Historic District
16-2003 – Block 1408, Lot 8, Zoned R8B LH1A
A Modern style building designed by Brown, Lawford & Forbes and built in 1962. Application is to alter the front façade of 113 East 73rd Street.
990 Fifth Avenue, AKA 1 East 80th Street – Metropolitan Museum Historic District
16-2089 – Block 1492, Lot 1, Zoned R10
A neo-Classical style apartment house designed by Rosario Candela and built in 1925-27. Application is to alter window openings and replace windows.
1010 Park Avenue, AKA 1010-1012 Park Avenue – Park Avenue Historic District
16-1604 – Block 1496, Lot 41, Zoned R10/R8-B
An annex to a Gothic Revival style church designed by Merrill & Homgren and built in 1960. Application is to demolish the building and construct a new building.
The following items will be heard at the Community Board 8 Landmarks Committee Meeting on Monday, October 6, 2014 at New York Blood Center, 310 East 67th Street, Auditorium, at 6:30 pm:
1010 Park Avenue (84th & 85th Streets), AKA 1010-1012 Park Avenue – Park Avenue Christian Church & Annex – Park Avenue Historic District
An annex to a Gothic Revival style church designed by Merrill & Homgren and built in 1960. Application is to demolish the building and construct a new building.
39 East 72nd Street (Park & Madison) – Upper East Side Historic District
Grec style, designed by Robert B. Lynd and built in 1881-82. Application is for façade work and a rooftop addition.
990 Fifth Avenue (East 80th Street), AKA 1 East 80th Street – Metropolitan Museum Historic District
A neo-Classical style apartment house designed by Rosario Candela and built in 1925-27. Application is to alter window openings and replace windows.
The following items will be heard at the Community Board 8 Land Use Committee Meeting on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at Hunter College, East 68th Street and Lexington Avenue, SW corner, Hunter West Glass Cafe at 6:30 pm:
New York-Presbyterian Hospital will provide an update on the David H. Koch Center located on York Ave. and 69th Street.
Public Hearing: ULURP Application No. , 110 East 70th Street, Block 1404, Lot 67- Application for a special permit pursuant to 74-711 to modify bulk regulations applicable to a single family home within the Upper East Side Historic District in order to legalize the residential use of a portion of a rear yard extension that was created in 1995 for a then-permitted community facility use on the property. Application seeks waivers of (i) rear yard regulations of ZR Section 23-47 to permit retention of an existing structure in required rear yard; (ii) narrow outer court regulations of ZR Section 23-841 to permit retention of existing outer court that does not meet the minimum required width; and (iii) requirements of ZR Section 23-145 as to lot coverage.
Public Hearing: BSA Cal. No. 222-14-BZ, 344 East 63rd Street, Block 1437, Lot 29- Application for a special permit pursuant to ZR 73-36 to permit a Physical Culture Establishment on the ground floor of the premises.
Because items are often withdrawn or laid over, it is advisable to telephone the Community Board office – (212) 758-4340 – or the Landmarks Preservation Commission – (212) 669-7923 – a day ahead of time. It is also advisable to inquire about the approximate time that the item of interest is expected to be heard.